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STM32G030 and STM32F030

Created Tuesday 14 November 2023


Configuring MCU

  1. Set MCU debug / clock options
  2. Add some GPIO output for LED output (we will togle it when MCU receives 0x01)
  3. Enable UART
  4. Enable DMA TX and RX channels
  5. Set RX channel mode to circular
  6. Enable UART global interrupt
  7. Generate code (ALT+K)

Adding library

  1. Copy uart.c and uart.h to core/src folder of your project (the same directory as main.c)
  2. Open uart.h, uncomment #define STM32G0 or #define STM32F0 depending on your MCU
  3. Add includes to /* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */:
  4. #include "uart.h"
  5. #include "math.h"
  6. Add code to /* USER CODE BEGIN PV */:
  7. #define UART_BUFFER_SIZE 128
  8. #define TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE 100
  9. __IO uint8_t uartBuffer[UART_BUFFER_SIZE];
  10. __IO uint8_t tempBuffer[TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE];
  11. Add code right before /* USER CODE END 2 */:
  12. COM_Init(0, &huart1, (uint8_t *) &uartBuffer, UART_BUFFER_SIZE, 100);
  13. float floatTemp=-60.3; // -60.3 Deg C
  14. Add code to while(1) loop:
uint8_t header;
uint8_t length;

if (COM_ReadFast((uint8_t *)&header,1)) switch(header)
	case 0x01:
		uint8_t answer=0x55;
		COM_Write((uint8_t *)&answer,1);


		break; // command 0x01

	case 0x02:
		int32_t intTemp=round(floatTemp*1000);
		COM_Write((uint8_t *)&intTemp,4);
		break; // command 0x02

	case 0x03:
		COM_Read((uint8_t *)&length,1);
		COM_Read((uint8_t *)&tempBuffer,length);
		COM_Write((uint8_t *)&tempBuffer,length);
	 	break; // command 0x03


Testing communication

  1. Ensure that STM32 and terminal speeds are the same, e.g. 921600bps
  2. Send 0x01 (hexadecimal), our firmware should answer 0x55
  3. Run loopback.exe program (can be downloaded here)